Tech. Content, Art


Content Architecture and Strategy

Sometimes technology changes things overnight. Tools powered by Artificial Intelligence can read, write, draw, paint, argue, guide, teach. Every component of your content program is touched.

All of a sudden, you must pack it up and move it to The Future.

Relax. Brigit Consulting has been to The Future many times. And we dropped a pin.



AI Strategy

Chat GPT was just the beginning of the coming transformation in content creation. Multiple mind-blowing tools from tech giants and startup appears at an ever-increasing pace. This disruptive technology is evolving in ways we have yet to predict.

When technology leaps, the successful leap, too. Put your content strategy in the hands of Brigit Consulting. We use AI’s transformative potential to unlock the unique creativity, depth of industry experience, and breadth of knowledge our consultants possess. We work directly with several partners in the AI industry to give you content architecture and content strategies you can put into place immediately.

All of us at Brigit Consulting have been eagerly awaiting this moment. For content, the possibilities are endless.



Content Strategy

If you scream, you may be heard above the noise. Scream louder, and you might be understood. With a content strategist from Brigit Consulting, you won’t even have to raise your voice to deliver custom content to your customers.

A content strategist helps answer the big questions: Who are we doing this for? Why? What should it look like? What are its key features? What are potential problems? What are potential solutions?

Our content strategists are talented polymaths who can draw upon worlds of information to arrive at a unique vision for your organization. Working that kind of magic takes a rare blend of creativity, inspiration, and solid industry experience. When Brigit Consulting’s content strategists ask questions and suggest solutions, prepare for artistry.

Artistry always gets noticed.



Content Architecture

Set a clear path forward. Our content artchitects will work with your stakeholders to clarify the mission and goals for your content program and pull from all available resources to ensure success. Brigit Consulting collaborates with clients to:

  • Set the exact plan for executing your vision
  • Review all existing, relevant media and content delivery systems
  • Analyze all content audiences and their needs using innovative data gathering and interviewing technology
  • Identify the ideal media, form, style, and delivery of the content for all audiences via interviewing and polling techniques best suited for every age group
  • Devise an appropriate data structure that supports growth of the content operation while gather important data for continued improvementr
  • Establish the best, most effectient way to deliver the required content at the recommended cadence
  • Document all systems, create procedural instructions, assess personnel needs, assess technology needs, and set budgets for the proposed plan in a complete set of specifications

Where we can use AI and other technology for the best results, we do. Where human skill is required, we use that, too.

With your content architect’s blueprint in hand, you can work a reputable content development vendor to make your plan a reality.



Data Curation

A good content program is only as good as its ingredients.  AI needs source data to learn and grow. It needs experienced AI content developers who know how to prompt and guide the technology. You may want your AI-powered content program to fling a net as wide was the world wide web. You may prefer to narrow the field to suit a more specific purpose. Either way, the results you receive are dependent on effective data curation by content specialist.

The prevailing wisdom used to be that AI tools needed oceans of data to learn. That is no longer the case. A relatively small sampling of data can produce astounding result. Brigit Consulting will set up a data curation plan for your organization that ensures the success of your content program.




A polymath is a divergent thinker. They pull on vast wells knowledge and creative power and bring artistry to professional content creation. They know a lot about a lot.

Brigit Consulting is a group of diverse polymaths who are content professionals and AI insiders. We are award-winning content development experts with decades of educational and professional expertise in content creation. But the secret to our success isn’t in our impressive industry credentials, but in our diversity of background and interests.

Creativity is the at the core of your success. To thrive, you need diversity.




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